Your contact to L. & G. Beck GmbH


Your lubrication problem. Your task. Our solution.

L.&G. Beck GmbH and the company-own brand UNIOELER answer your questions and support you to find solutions considering your lubrication problems. 

Request and approach

You have questions to our Drop-oilers, oil-dispensers, lubrication-brushes or our centralized lubrication

Then you have several possibilities to contact us. 

If you  are looking forward to talk to our qualified and trained personel, dial +49 7907 942 92 0. Or send us a quick e-mail. Or use our enquiry form on the page Request and approach. If possible fill in your specific question, your lubrication problem or any further informations. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Contact person

Have you got a specific contact person in mind to help you find a solution? Maybe this site helps. To contact persons >>